DCYF processes initial licenses for kinship caregivers (relatives and suitable persons) and relatives as defined by Tribal code and custom, and suitable others for children under Tribal jurisdiction.
An initial license is available to kin who pass minimal requirements when a child is first placed in their home. The initial license allows kinship caregivers to receive basic foster care reimbursement payments for up to 90 days while completing the full kinship license requirements.
You will be required to complete a home study (a report about your household).
Since you’ll be completing most of the steps to get licensed during the home study, Kinship Caregivers are encouraged to get licensed.
Kin are not eligible for an initial license if placement is made through a voluntary placement agreement.
Kinship Licensing Steps
Please let your assigned worker know if you need help or if you cannot meet any requirements.
People caring for a child or youth under Tribal jurisdiction should contact their Tribal caseworker for more information about getting licensed.
Wait for a phone call from the Licensing Division. It will probably come a couple of weeks after placement to begin the Initial Licensing Process.
If the child has been in your care for some time or is not yet placed with you, you may request a referral to the Licensing Division from your caseworker or Tribal worker.
The Licensing Division worker will help you log into the Washington Caregiver Application Portal (WA CAP). You will use this system to complete your application. They will also tell you about the options to get licensed by a Child Placing Agency or Tribal Child Placing Agency.
In WA CAP, you will enter your name, address, date of birth, and other information about you and your family, including agreeing to a background check. We are committed to placing children in kinship homes, and many crimes do not prevent licensing. Talk about your individual circumstance with your assigned worker and review the
Secretary’s List of Crimes and Negative Actions for Employees and Providers.
You have choices! You can work with DCYF’s Licensing Division, a private child placing agency (CPA), or a Tribal child placing agency.
To learn more about the child placing agencies and Tribal child placing agencies that specialize in working with kin, please review this resource: Kinship Child Placing Agency Contact List
After you turn in your foster home application, you will be assigned to a worker. The assigned worker will connect with you, and:
Complete interviews, both in-person and virtually.
For couples, licensing staff will complete at least one interview with both adults and another interview with each individually.
Interview household members, including your children.
Contact your adult children (if you have adult children).
At least one interview must happen in your home and include the home inspection.
Review the Foster Home Licensing Inspection Checklist to learn what licensing staff are looking for.
The home study is a report that your assigned worker will complete when they are finished collecting information from you.
The home study puts together all the information gathered during the licensing process and shows that you can provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing home. You will get to review a draft of your home study before it is final and be given a copy of the completed home study.
Please let your assigned worker know if you need help or cannot meet any requirements.