Monthly Caregiver Trainings

August 9, 2024

The Alliance for Professional Development, Training, and Caregiver Excellence

  • Emotion Coaching — Aug. 13, 10 a.m. to Noon.
    Emotion Coaching helps prepare children from birth to 5 years old for the challenges they face throughout their lifetime. A child’s ability to delight in the happy times and recover from the bad ones is a key part of emotional health. By learning and practicing the 5 steps of Emotion Coaching, you can make an important investment in a child’s future. Register Here 
  • Foster Care: A Means to Support Families — Aug. 22, 10 a.m. to Noon. The new training This course helps you understand the child welfare experience from the perspective of the child’s parents and supports finding compassion for parents and the challenges they may be facing. Strategies to nurture children’s relationships with their parents and to integrate and maintain ongoing communication and connection between parents and children are covered. Register Here 

    Learn about all the upcoming classes. 
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Coordinated Care  

Please consult their website for monthly training webinars and events: