Medical Coverage for Children in Our Care Will Not Be Terminated

The Health Care Authority (HCA) ProviderOne system automatically generates letters when any WA Apple Health client does not have a Social Security Number (SSN). These letters say that HCA will stop or deny benefits unless an SSN is provided.

Whenever possible, DCYF must obtain or apply for SSNs of children in our Placement and Care Authority (PCA). When the child’s SSN is entered into FamLink, HCA automatically receives the information and

ProviderOne is updated accordingly.  

DCYF assigned caseworkers should make every effort to obtain and apply for SSNs; however, HCA will not stop or deny medical benefits for children in DCYF PCA.

We want to reassure caregivers who have questions about these letters, that the child’s medical benefits will not terminate.

Policy: 4250. Placement Out-of-Home and Conditions for Return Home