DCYF Joins Child Welfare Leaders from Across the Country to Form National Partnership for Child Safety

Children hugging
November 30, 2021

In an effort to improve child safety and realign child welfare toward a more preventative child and family well-being system, DCYF has joined child welfare leaders representing 26 state, county and tribal child and family serving agencies to form the National Partnership for Child Safety (NPCS). 

Naselle Potlatch Celebration During Native American Heritage Month

Blankets and other youth-made ceremonial gifts for the Naselle Potlatch.
November 29, 2021

In November 2021, Naselle Youth Camp hosted its annual potlatch where community members, family, and DCYF staff gathered to share a meal and immerse themselves in the spirit of local potlatch tradition.  

“The event is a chance to have our voices heard,” said Sage, a youth of the Cheyenne River Sioux and Lummi Tribes. “It brings us closer together.”