2.20 Tribal State Memoranda of Agreement
2.30 Case Service Response
- 2.30.1 Intake
- 2.30.10 Child Protection Services and Family Assessment Response
- 2.30.20 Voluntary Placement Agreements
- 2.30.30 Dependency Cases
- 2.30.40 Guardianships
- 2.30.50 Termination of Parental Rights
- 2.30.60 Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights
- 2.30.70 Adoption
- 2.30.80 Case Management for Children and Families of Non-Federally Recognized Tribes and Canadian First Nations
2.40 Elements of ICWA and WICWA
- 2.40.1 Reason to Know
- 2.40.10 Tribal Inquiry
- 2.40.20 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Notice
- 2.40.30 Requesting Court Findings about Indian Children in Dependency Cases
- 2.40.40 Requesting Court Findings about Indian Children in Guardianship and Termination of Parental Rights Cases
- 2.40.50 Active Efforts and Tribal Collaboration
- 2.40.60 Qualified Expert Witnesses for Indian Child Welfare (ICW) Cases
- 2.40.70 Placement Preferences
2.50 Case Supports
- 2.50.1 Providing Confidential Records to Tribes
- 2.50.10 Requests and Payments for Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) for Indian Children
- 2.50.20 Local Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committee (LICWAC)
- 2.50.30 Payment for Services for Children in Tribal Custody
- 2.50.40 Impasse Procedures
- 2.50.50 Transferring to Tribal Court
3.20 Foster Care
- 3.20.01 Applying as a Foster Parent or Unlicensed Caregiver
- 3.20.10 Completing Home Studies
- 3.20.20 Initial, Kinship, Foster Care, and Provisional Expedited Licenses
- 3.20.30 Updating Licenses for Amendments, Modifications, and Changes in Circumstances
- 3.20.40 Use of Administrative Approvals, Waivers, and Relative Non-Safety Exemptions
- 3.20.50 Health and Safety Monitoring
- 3.20.60 Licensing Group Care Facilities (GCF)
- 3.20.70 Licensing Child Placing Agencies (CPA) and CPA Foster Homes and Kinship Care Homes
- 3.20.80 Licensing Investigations
- 3.20.90 Adverse Actions on Foster Home Licenses, Kinship Licenses, and Group Care Licenses
- 3.20.100 Licensed Foster Family Home Required Training
- 3.20.110 Licensed Kinship Caregiver Training