Applies to: This policy applies to Licensing Division (LD) workers.
Chapter Number & Title: 20. Foster Care
Policy Number & Title: 3.20.100. Licensed Foster Family Home Required Training
Effective Date: October 15, 2024
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to LD workers on the required training for licensed caregivers.
RCW 74.13.075 Sexually aggressive youth-Defined-Services-Expenditure of treatment funds-Tribal jurisdiction-Information sharing and confidentiality
RCW 74.13.310 Foster Parent Training
RCW 74.13B.020 Family support and related services - Performance-based contracting
LD workers:
- Must verify:
- Foster home license applicants complete the following trainings prior to licensing:
- Caregiver Core Training (CCT), by a least one applicant residing in the home.
- First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and Blood Borne Pathogen (BBP) training by all individuals over the age of 18 providing care to children or youth in the home.
- All licensed foster parents in the home who take placement of Sexually Aggressive Youth or Physically Assaultive/Aggressive Youth (SAY/PAAY), as defined in RCW 74.13.075, complete SAY/PAAY online or in-person training prior placement, per the following child welfare (CW) policies:
- Licensed foster parents complete 24 hours of caregiver continuing education every three years.
- Any training required in a foster parents’ compliance plan, if applicable, has been completed.
- Foster home license applicants complete the following trainings prior to licensing:
- May:
- Accept:
- Previously completed CCT for foster homes that had a break in service but were licensed within the previous five years.
- Up to 12 hours of training that foster parents completed prior to becoming licensed, but the training:
- Cannot include CCT, First Aid, CPR, or BBP.
- Must have been completed within the last 12 months of LD receiving the Home Study or Reassessment Application DCYF 13-354 form.
- Ongoing training completed by one or both foster parents on a license, in any combination.
- Allow licensed foster parents to carry up to 12 hours of training into the next three-year licensing cycle if they exceed the required training hours.
- Require specific and additional training for foster parents as part of a compliance plan using a Compliance Agreement 10-248.
- Accept:
Compliance Agreement DCYF 10-248
Home Study or Reassessment Application DCYF 10-354
CW Sexually Aggressive Youth policy
CW Welfare Physically Assaultive/Aggressive Youth policy
Original Date: September 27, 1974
Revised Date: October 15, 2024
Review Date: October 31, 2028
Approved by: Ruben Reeves, Assistant Secretary of Licensing Division