3.20.60 Licensing Group Care Facilities (GCF)

Applies to:  This policy applies to Licensing Division (LD) employees

Chapter Number & Title:  20. Foster Care  

Policy Number & Title:  3.20.60 Licensing Group Care Facilities (GCF)

Effective Date:  January 22, 2025


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on:

  • Assessing Group Care Facilities (GCF).
  • Issuing GCF licenses. 
  • Monitoring
    • GCFs compliance with minimum licensing requirements.
    • The care provided by GCFs to children and youth placed in their facilities.


RCW 43.20A.205    Denial, suspension, revocation, or modification of license.
Chapter 74.15 RCW    Care of children, expectant mothers, persons with developmental disabilities
Chapter 110-04 WAC    Background Check Requirements-Child Welfare
Chapter 110-145 WAC    Licensing requirements for group care facilities 


  1. Group care licensors:
    1. Must complete the following: 
      1. When individuals apply to receive GCF licenses:
        1. Verify new licenses and renewals are:
          1. Issued for a maximum of three years minus one day. 
          2. Approved, withdrawn, or denied in writing.  
        2. Apply the Racial Equity and Social Justice (RESJ) Framework and these DCYF Administrative policies:
          1. 6.01 Racial Equity and Social Justice.
          2. 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP).
          3. 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities. 
          4. 6.04 Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals.
        3. Confirm all employees, interns, and volunteers that have access to the children and youth, pass a background check per:
          1. Chapter 110-04 WAC.
          2. WAC 110-145-1325.
        4. Verify:
          1. Applicants meet the requirements in Chapter 110-145 WAC:
            1. Before the license is issued.
            2. Throughout the duration of the license.
          2. GCFs maintain an adequate number of employees to provide services to children and youth placed in their facilities throughout the duration of their license.
      2. When waivers are needed to waive WAC requirements:
        1. Complete the applicable Administrative Approval & Waiver for Group Care DCYF 10-047B form when requesting to wave WAC requirements for GCFs.
        2. Indicate the timeframe for the waiver. 
        3. Submit the forms to LD Administrators or designee for approval.
      3. When applications are received for a GCF move: 
        1. Assess the new GC facility.
        2. Amend their current license when the new facility meets licensing requirements.
      4. For license modifications:
        1. Assess the request or change in circumstance. 
        2. Determine if a license modification is appropriate.
        3. Modify their current license when the modification meets licensing requirements. 
      5. Health and safety visits on all DCYF LD licensed GCFs once every six months and one of which must be unannounced.  
      6. For no referrals:
        1. Place GCFs on no referrals when:
          1. It is agreed to or requested by GCF supervisors or designees.
          2. There is a WAC violation, and the investigation determines a no referral is needed.
        2. Send the applicable forms to GCFs:
          1. Notice of No Referral Letter DCYF 10-801 when an involuntary no referral is placed on a GCF.
          2. Notice of Lifted/Rescinded No Referral Status Letter DCYF 10-800 when determined a no referral is no longer needed.
    2. May allow GCFs to have more than one type of license when WAC 110-145-1380 is met.
  2. Group care licensing supervisors must approve or deny licenses in FamLink.
  3. LD administrators or designees must approve or deny waivers to WAC requirements. 


Administrative Approval & Waiver for Group Care DCYF 10-047B (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)  
Notice of Lifted/Rescinded No Referral Status Letter DCYF 10-800 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)  
Notice of No Referral Letter DCYF 10-801 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


Child Welfare Background Checks policy
Completing Home Studies policy
DCYF Administrative 6.01 Racial and Social Justice policy 
DCYF Administrative 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) policy
DCYF Administrative 6.03 Racial Equity and Social Justice - Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities policy
DCYF Administrative 6.04 Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals policy 
RESJ Framework (located on the intranet, under Racial Equity and Social Justice, Tools and Resources, and Racial Equity and Social Justice Framework)
Updating Licenses, Amendments, Modifications, and Changes in Circumstances policy

Original Date:  August 31, 2015

Review Date:  January 31, 2029    

Approved by:  Ruben Reeves, Assistant Secretary of Licensing Division