3.20.20 Initial, Kinship, Foster Care, and Provisional Expedited License

Applies to:  This policy applies to Licensing Division (LD) workers.

Chapter Number & Title:  20. Foster Care 

Policy Number & Title:  3.20.20. Initial, Kinship, Foster Home, and Provisional Expedited Licenses

Effective Date:  October 15,2024


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on how LD:

  • Issues:
    • Initial licenses to unlicensed kinship caregivers. 
    • Kinship licenses to kinship caregivers.
    • Foster home licenses to individuals requesting to care for unrelated children or youth in out-of-home care. 
    • Provisional expedited foster or kinship licenses to individuals when the criteria is met.
  • Re-evaluates foster homes to safeguard the safety and well-being of children in out-of-home care by assessing and monitoring their compliance with minimum licensing requirements (MLR). 


RCW 43.20A.205  Denial, suspension, revocation, or modification of license
RCW 74.13.260  Site monitoring program
RCW 74.15.020  Definitions
RCW 74.15.040  Licenses for foster family homes required, Inspections
RCW 74.15.100  License application, issuance, duration, Reclassification, Location Changes
RCW 74.15.110  Renewal of licenses
RCW 74.15.120  Initial Licenses
RCW 74.15.125  Probationary licenses-Child-specific licenses
RCW 74.15.127  Expedited foster licensing process
RCW 74.15.130  Licenses, Denials, suspension, revocation, modification-Procedures Adjudicative Proceeding-Penalties
RCW 74.15.140  Action against licensed or unlicensed agencies authorized
Chapter 110-148 WAC  Licensing Requirements for Child Foster Homes


LD workers must complete the following:

  1. For initial licenses:
    1. Issue them up to 90 calendar days from the date the initial license was approved and requirements in RCW 74.15.120 are met for unlicensed: 
      1. Relatives and suitable person caregivers for children and youth in DCYF placement and care authority (PCA).
      2. Caregivers for children or youth in tribal court PCA when tribes request an initial license. 
    2. Notify the children’s or youth’s caseworker if an initial license is denied.
  2. When relatives or suitable persons apply for kinship licenses: 
    1. Verify new kinship licenses and renewals: 
      1. Are:
        1. Issued:
          1. For a maximum of three years minus one day. 
          2. To include the age range of the youngest child’s or youth’s age and the oldest child’s or youth’s age plus three years, not to exceed 18 years old. 
        2. Placed on a FamLink “Voluntary No Referral” once the license is issued.
        3. Approved, withdrawn, or denied in writing. 
      2. That were issued as a foster home license, but are child-specific, are changed to a kinship license at renewal or when either:
        1. A move occurs within six months prior to the license expiration date.
        2. The kinship caregiver requires an assessment that results in a new three-year license. 
    2. Discuss the importance of supporting and affirming children’s or youth’s relational and cultural needs with kinship caregivers. 
    3. Follow these DCYF Administrative policies:
      1. 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP)
      2. 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities
      3. 6.04 Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals
    4. Follow the Use of Administrative Approvals, Waivers, and Relative Non-Safety Exemptions policy when non-safety exemptions or waivers are needed to license a foster or kinship home.  
    5. Confirm the WACs in chapter 110-148 WAC that do not have non-safety waivers or exemptions for the caregivers are:
      1. Met before a kinship license is issued.
      2. Maintained through the duration of the license. 
  3. When individuals apply to receive a foster home license:
    1. Verify foster home license and renewals are:
      1. Issued for a maximum of three years minus one day.
      2. Approved, withdrawn, or denied in writing. 
    2. Discuss the importance of supporting and affirming the children’s or youth’s relational and cultural needs. 
    3. Follow these policies:
      1. Completing Home Studies policy to complete the home study. 
      2. DCYF Administrative policies: 
        1.  6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) 
        2.  6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities
        3. 6.04 Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals
    4. Confirm the chapter 110-148 WAC requirements are:
      1. Met before a foster license is issued.
      2. Maintained throughout the duration of the license.
  4. When individuals apply for a provisional expedited foster home license and kinship license verify the applicants meet the requirements in RCW 74.15.127. If so, 
    1. Issue the provisional expedited license within 40 calendar days of the date the application was received. 
    2. Approve the full license and completed home study within 90 calendar days of the date the application was received. 


Completing Home Studies policy

DCYF Administrative 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) policy

DCYF Administrative 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities policy

DCYF Administrative 6.04 Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals policy

Use of Administrative Approvals, Waivers, and Relative Non-Safety Exemptions policy

Original Date: October 15, 2024

Review Date:  October 31, 2028

Approved by:  Ruben Reeves, Assistant Secretary of Licensing Division