Seattle Caseworker Recognized

Denisse Diaz in the Seattle office.
January 22, 2020

For the last four months, Denisse Diaz, a caseworker out of the West Seattle office, has not let her fractured toe stop her from continuing to provide services to her clients.

Diaz, a Child Protective Services (CPS) Family Assessment Response (FAR) caseworker, continues to head to the courthouse to file paperwork, visit clients and provide assessments, all while in a walking boot.

Pinwheels for Prevention

child planting pinwheels
January 15, 2020

Join us as we observe Child Abuse Prevention month in April to raise awareness in communities about child abuse and neglect prevention. 

As the Prevent Child Abuse Washington State Chapter, we encourage you to join the Pinwheels for Prevention initiative. This initiative uses pinwheels – a timeless symbol for childhood – to represent its campaign.