The Early Learning Provider Supports Subcommittee of the Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC) was created in January 2020. The group was originally made up of members from the previous Licensed Center Advisory Subcommittee (LCAS) and Early Achievers Review Subcommittee (EARS). During 2021, a recruitment effort took place to broaden subcommittee representation across the spectrum of early learning providers.
The purpose of the group is to discuss and advise on all services around early learning providers, including but not limited to; licensing policy, WAC changes, agency request legislation, administrative concerns, subsidy rules/rates, trauma expertise, intervention and prevention, developmental disabilities, whole family health, Early Achievers procedures and protocols, etc.
Members are representatives of Washington's regional, racial, and cultural diversity and have made a commitment to racial equity and consider cultural and linguistic responsiveness as key aspects of their work. Members serve two-year terms that end June 30th of the second year.