
CJTF meetings are held quarterly throughout the calendar year.

Past Meetings


Subcommittees of the Task Force include:

  • Grant/Project Committee
  • Review/Evaluation Committee
  • Nomination/Membership Committee
  • Conference Planning Committee

Subcommittees may meet outside of the regular full task force meetings in order to execute their respective goals and objectives. Subcommittees report on their respective activities during these Task Force meetings.

Other Meetings

The Children’s Justice Task Force will sponsor a retreat in November to comprehensively review and evaluate Washington State investigative, administrative, and both civil and criminal handling of cases of child abuse, child sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation as outlined in the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. Various stakeholders will be invited to participate in the retreat.

The Children’s Justice Task Force meets annually with DCYF staff to discuss the Washington State Annual Progress and Service Report (APSR).