DCYF maintains a suite of dashboards and maps related to different topics in Early Care and Education (ECE). The main purpose of these dashboards is to support planning efforts at the Washington State, regional, and local levels.
The Office of Innovation, Alignment and Accountability's (OIAA) goal is to update these dashboards regularly, and to make the underlying data publicly available. The data’s load date can be found in the footnotes of each dashboard.
Child Care and Early Learning: Need and Supply Dashboard Suite
This dashboard suite illustrates the estimated need for Early Care and Education (ECE) in Washington State and how much of that need is currently being met by state and federal programs. There are four dashboards included in this suite showing need and supply across the state, the number and proportion of families eligible for Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) subsidies who are served, and the number of eligible families that take part in Early Child Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) and Head Start. Since uptake for child care and early learning programs vary across the state, the dashboards showcase data by Counties, Legislative Districts, School Districts, and Zip Code Tabulated Areas (ZCTA). Some dashboards also disaggregate uptake rates by State Median Income (SMI) and child age groups.
This suite contains the information previously found in the dashboards titled Child Care and Early Learning Need and Supply Data, Subsidy Uptake, and ECEAP and Head Start Uptake.
Child Care and Early Learning: Extreme Access Deserts and Estimated Uptake Rate
Extreme Access Deserts (EADs) are Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) where there is not enough child care resources to meet estimated need. They are considered ‘extreme’ because they border another access desert. This includes the persistence of Extreme Access Deserts, which signals the frequency of widespread supply issues in those regions.
For reference on the methodology, see Hardy et al. 2018 Research Report: Subsidized Child Care in Massachusetts: Exploring geography, access, and equity.
This dashboard contains information previously found in the dashboard titled, Child Care Stabilization Zip Code Factors.
Early Achievers Data Dashboard
This dashboard displays aggregated DCYF Early Achievers data, including counts of participating providers and provider ratings, to demonstrate statewide progress of the Early Achievers quality recognition initiative. The data is updated monthly and provides a ‘snapshot’ of Early Achievers participant data as of the indicated date.
ECEAP and Early ECEAP in Washington Communities
This dashboard can be used to locate ECEAP and Early ECEAP slots and sites by different location types (zip code, legislative district, county, and more). This dashboard can also be used to find contact information to learn about enrollment at each ECEAP and Early ECEAP site.