Group Care Negotiated Rule Making Project

Utilizing this Negotiated Rule Making (NRM) approach, the Licensing Division has begun the process of amending the group care WAC 110-145 as part of the D.S. Settlement.

What is Negotiated Rule Making?

NRM is a way to develop rules by seeking consensus from delegates representing groupings of similar parties impacted by the rule. Utilizing the NRM approach to rule making has several benefits, such as:

  • Providing greater public access to rulemaking
  • Creating more culturally and developmentally appropriate rules
  • A better understanding of rule intent and increased compliance with rules

Project Timeline

  • Dec. 1, 2023 – Aug. 31, 2024: Negotiated Rule Making (Virtual)
  • Sept. 1, 2024 – Nov. 30, 2024: WAC Polishing and Filing
  • Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: Group Care Policy and Training Build and Finalization
  • Jan. 18 – Feb. 25, 2025: Public Comment Period
  • Feb. 1 – Sept. 30, 2025: Training Delivery
  • Oct. 1, 2025: Group Care WAC Go Live

Project Timeline Graphic 

Project Updates 

Group Care NRM Representatives joined the Group Care NRM Team and third-party consultant Public Consulting Group (PCG) on Sept. 9 to celebrate the conclusion of virtual negotiations and discuss project updates and next steps:

  • NRM Representatives reviewed 92 WAC, achieving full consensus on 33 WAC and partial consensus on 24 WAC.
  • NRM Representatives from 12 different participant groupings participated in 13 virtual negotiation sessions, 56 breakout sessions and 55 polls facilitated by PCG, for a total number of 82 negotiation hours.
  • Six stakeholder groups also provided input for representative consideration during the negotiations.
  • When asked the question, “What do you want everyone to know about how the new rules are going to positively impact the children, youth and families in Washington state?” NRM Representatives responded with the following answers: 
    • Well-being
    • Safety
    • Youth-focused
    • Youth Voice and Choice
    • Improvement

During the Public Comment period from Jan. 18 to Feb. 25, 2025, everyone will have a final opportunity to provide feedback on the amended group care licensing rules via our website. 

New Group Care Strategies Report, Immediate Recommendations to Enhance Practice

The new Early Implementation Work Group Report highlights current practices related to the seven areas in the D.S. Settlement Systems Improvement 4.9 Revising Licensing Standards. A diverse group of participants including licensed caregivers and representatives from group care facilities, child placing agencies, and the Office of Tribal Relations (OTR) collaborated to identify barriers, review Prudent Parenting guidelines and create recommendations on practice improvements that can be immediately implemented with current Washington Administrative Code (WAC) rules. 

Please review the recommendations, and where possible, implement identified strategies now before the new group care rules roll out in October 2025. 

New Report: National Review of Group Care Best Practices

One of the phases of the DCYF contract with PCG was for them to complete a review of national group care best practices. PCG reviewed federal and state regulations and child welfare practices to identify best practice guidelines for group care, including data associated with the requirements in the D.S. Settlement Systems Improvement 4.9 Revising Licensing Standards. Read the Full Report

Group Care NRM Roundtables 

The Group Care NRM Team and members of the Office of Tribal Relations (OTR) hosted Group Care NRM Tribal Roundtables on July 18 and Aug. 28 which were attended by six tribes and seven tribes, respectively.

During the Roundtables attendees provided input on different group care WAC to help create more culturally and developmentally appropriate rules for tribal children placed in group care settings. We extend our deepest gratitude to those who participated and shared their unique wisdom and insights.

Ways to Engage

To accommodate individual participant schedules, commitment ability, level of investment, etc., folks can participate in the NRM project by:

  • Provide feedback on the new group care licensing rules once they are available for public comment on our website, from Jan. 18 – Feb. 25, 2025. 
  • Attend the new Group Care WAC Training beginning in February 2025. More information will be available on our website in Fall 2024.

If you have questions and/or need additional information regarding the Group Care NRM project, email