
Video Training - located on the UW Alliance for Child Welfare website

Practice Notes, Research, Articles - located on the UW Alliance for Child Welfare website

Child Safety Tips

Children Missing from Care

Pre-Service Training for Family Time/Sibling Visit Services Contracted Providers

Family Time Car Seat Training

Hands on car seat training:

Hands on car seat training or virtual car seat training if offered by a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST), must be completed prior to transporting children and annually thereafter.

Yes, per the Family Time DCYF contract, hands-on car seat training is an annual requirement for all staff, employees, subcontractors, volunteers, and anyone else who is providing transportation to DCYF clients under your DCYF Family Time contract.

No. Training that you take through other sources, such as the local fire department, online, or through the Alliance, are all good secondary training events. However, they do not meet the DCYF Family Time contract requirements. You must have your hands-on car seat training completed by a Certified Child Passenger Technician (CPST).

You must have a certification of completion for each staff, employee, subcontractor, volunteer, that is completed each year to meet contract requirements. This certificate must be available during DCYF Contract Compliance reviews and any other time DCYF staff ask for the document.

The National Child Passenger Safety Certification is a program of Safe Kids Worldwide. The program certifies child safety technicians and instructors, who in turn offer education by providing car seat training and inspections. A certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) is certified to provide training. The training curriculum is provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and over seen by the National Child Passenger Safety Board.

Access this directory to find a technician near you.

You can become a CPST and help train in proper car seat usage. If you are interested, go to the National CPS Certification website, Become a Tech.