Washington State Child Placing Agencies
A Child Placing Agency (CPA) is an agency licensed by DCYF to complete home studies and supervise children and youth placed in the care of the families licensed by the agency. These agencies share DCYF’s goal to reunify families, and they can assist families when a different permanent plan like adoption is needed.
View the DCYF Regional Map to find your region.
Learn more about the caregiver licensing process, there are two main paths towards licensure, you can choose to work with DCYF’s Licensing Division or a Child Placing Agency (CPA).
Recommendations to get started:
- Review this list and learn more about the agencies by visiting their websites.
- Identify two to three agencies that you would like to know more about.
- Contact the agencies and ask questions about their services to help you figure out which is the best fit for you.
Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 1
Camas Path (Tribal CPA)
Contact: Kevin Stark
Email: kstark@kalispeltribe.com
Phone: 509-789-7634 office
Website: http://camaspath.org
Casey Family Programs
Contact: Jorge Sanchez
Email: jsanchez@casey.org
Phone: 509-457-8197
Website: https://www.casey.org
Community & Family Services Foundation
Contact: Cory Chism
Email: chco@cfsf.net
Phone: 509-989-2966 or 360-895-7889 (office)
Website: https://cfsf.site
Confederated Tribes of Colville (Tribal CPA)
Contact: Crystal Marchand
Email: crystal.marchand.cfs@colvilletribes.com
Phone: 509-634-2645
Website: www.colvilletribes.com
Foster First
Contact: Greg Reichenberger
Email: greichenberger@fosterfirst.net
Phone: 509-965-5310
Website: www.fosterfirst.net
Fostering Solutions
Contact: Anna Hernandez
Email: anna@thinkfosteringsolutions.com
Phone: 509-949-9698 or 509-902-8428 (office)
Website: https://thinkfosteringsolutions.com
K Connections
Contact: Owen Barrios
E-mail: info@choosekconnections.com
Phone: 509-888-2006
Website: www.choosekconnections.com
Lifeline Children’s Services
Contact: Heather Cain
Email: Washington@lifelinechild.org
Phone: 509-328-2700
Website: www.lifelinechild.org
Lutheran Community Services Northwest
(Refugee and Immigrant Youth Served)
Contact: Kelsey Doerr
Email: Kelsey.Doerr@lcsnw.org
Phone: 509-747-8224
Website: https://lcsnw.org/program/refugee-foster-care
Service Alternatives
Contact: Opal Svancara
Email: opal.svancara@servicealternatives.com
Phone: 701-654-5250 or 360-678-6071 (office)
Website: www.servicealternatives.com/foster
Spokane Tribe of Indians (Tribal CPA)
Contact: Gianna Kieffer, Foster Care Licensor/Social Service Coordinator
Email: gianna.kieffer@spokanetribe.com
Phone: 509-299-8014
Contact: Matthew Sam-Thornhill, HHS Director
Email: Matthew.thornhill@spokanetribe.com
Phone: 509-675-3870 or 509-458-6500 (office)
Website: https://spokanetribe.com
Adoption-Only Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 1
Services include international and/or domestic private adoptions. These agencies do not have foster care licensing programs.
Adoption Home Study & Family Counseling
Contact: Cindi Fuller
Email: ahsfcs2017@gmail.com
Phone: 509-863-4637
Website: www.adoptioncounselingspokane.com
Adoption Services of Spokane
Contact: Christine Verstrate
Email: staff@myadoptionservices.com
Phone: 509-328-6274
Website: www.adoptionservicesspokane.com
Connected By Love Adoptions
Contact: Heather Pincelli
Email: heather@connectedbyloveadoptions.com
Phone: 321-355-2010
Website: www.connectedbyloveadoptions.com
Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 2
Better Together Foster Care
Contact: Rosie Perez
Email: rperez@bettertogetherfc.org
Phone: 509-840-2597 or 509-895-6066 (office)
Website: https://www.bettertogetherfc.com
Casey Family Programs
Maria Moreno-Ramirez
Email: MMoreno-Ramirez@casey.org
Phone: 509-457-8197
Website: https://www.casey.org
Community & Family Services Foundation
Contact: Cory Chism
Email: chco@cfsf.net
Phone: 509-989-2966 or 360-895-7889 (office)
Website: www.cfsf.site
Foster First
Contact: Greg Reichenberger
Email: greichenberger@fosterfirst.net
Phone: 509-965-5310
Website: www.fosterfirst.net
Fostering Solutions
Contact: Anna Hernandez
Email: anna@thinkfosteringsolutions.com
Phone: 509-949-9698 or 509-902-8428 (office)
Website: https://thinkfosteringsolutions.com
K Connections
Contact: Owen Barrios
E-mail: info@choosekconnections.com
Phone: 509-888-2006
Website: www.choosekconnections.com
Contact: Laura Canfield
Email: laura_canfield@yakama.com or Cassey_aranda@yakama.com
Phone: 509-865-5121 ext. 6800
Website: www.yakama.com/programs/nak-nu-we-sha
Skookum Kids (Tribal and Kinship CPA)
Email: info@skookumkids.org
Phone: 360-975-3380
Website: www.skookumkids.org/fostercare
Service Alternatives
Contact: Opal Svancara
Email: opal.svancara@servicealternatives.com
Phone: 509-654-5250 or 509-453-0443 (office)
Website: www.servicealternatives.com/foster
Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 3
Amara (Kinship)
Contact: Emily Sigler
Email: FosterInfo@amarafamily.org
Phone: (206) 260-1700
Website: https://amarafamily.org/programs-resources/foster-care-services
Antioch Adoptions
Contact: Sheryl Bullard
Email: foreverfamily@antiochadoptions.org
Phone: 425-558-0921
Website: https://antiochadoptions.org/foster-to-adopt/what-we-do/
Casey Family Programs
Email: joffice@casey.org
Phone: 206-322-6711
Website: https://www.casey.org
Community & Family Services Foundation
Contact: Jackie Hebert
Email: Heja@cfsf.net
Phone: 360-770-0544 or 360-895-7889 (office)
Website: https://cfsf.site
Compass health
Contact: Erica Moss
Email: erica.moss@compassh.org
Phone: 425-349-8352 or 425-349-8480 (office)
Website: https://www.compasshealth.org/foster-parent
Lutheran Community Services Northwest
(Refugee and Immigrant Youth Served)
Email: fostercare@refugeesnw.org
Phone: 206-694-5780
Website: https://refugeechildren.net
Olive Crest (Kinship)
Contact: Galena Smith
Email: inquiry-northsound@olivecrest.org
Phone: 425-462-1612
Website: www.olivecrest.org
Secret Harbor
Contact: Cori Peck
Email: cori.peck@secretharbor.org
Phone: 360-755-5700 ext. 434
Website: https://www.secretharbor.org
Service Alternatives
Contact: Gabe Gregory
Email: gabriel.gregory@servicealternatives.com
Phone: 360-202-8033 or 360 678-6071 (office)
Website: www.servicealternatives.com/foster
Skookum Kids (Tribal and Kinship CPA)
Email: info@skookumkids.org
Phone: 360-975-3380
Website: www.skookumkids.org/fostercare
Synergy Foster Support Services
Contact: Duane Ott
Email: contact@synergyfss.org
Phone: 425-280-2093
Website: https://synergyfss.org
United Indians of All Tribes (Tribal and Kinship CPA)
Contact: Laura McCormick
Email: fostercare@unitedindians.org
Phone: 206-285-4425
Website: https://www.unitedindians.org/services/foster-care
YMCA Of Greater Seattle (Kinship)
Contact: Jessica Kessler
Email: fosterparenting@seattleymca.org
Phone: 206-507-5160 or 206-749-7540 (office)
Website: https://www.seattleymca.org/foster-parenting
Youthnet (Kinship)
Contact: Holland Wood
Email: hwood@youthnetnw.net
Phone: 360-420-2206 or 360-336-1610 (office)
Website: https://youthnetnw.net
Adoption-Only Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 3
Services include international and/or domestic private adoptions. These agencies do not have foster care licensing programs.
Children's House International
Email: inquiry@chiadopt.org
Phone: 360-383-0623
Website: https://childrenshouseinternational.com
Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 4
Amara (Kinship)
Contact: Emily Sigler
Email: FosterInfo@amarafamily.org
Phone: 206-260-1700
Website: https://amarafamily.org/programs-resources/foster-care-services/
Antioch Adoptions
Contact: Sheryl Bullard
Email: foreverfamily@antiochadoptions.org
Phone: 425-558-0921
Website: https://antiochadoptions.org/foster-to-adopt/what-we-do/
Casey Family Programs (Kinship)
Contact: Nikia Mahomes
Email: nmahomes@casey.org
Phone: 206-709-2110
Office Email: joffice@casey.org
Office Phone: 206-322-6711
Website: https://www.casey.org
Catholic Community Services
(Refugee and Immigrant Youth Served)
Contact: Leah Barkwell
Email: leahb@ccsww.org
Phone: 253-502-2745 or 206-328-5696 (office)
Website: https://ccsww.org/get-help/child-youth-family-services/international-foster-care/
City Ministries
Contact: Christie Lolohea
Email: christie@citymin.org
Phone: 425-739-1191 or 425-250-6759 (office)
Website: http://citymin.org/child-placement-agency
Community & Family Services Foundation
Contact: Shelly Genuardi
Email: gera@cfsf.net
Phone: 360-895-7889
Website: https://cfsf.site
Friends of Youth
Contact: Nicolas Rodriguez
Email: fostercare@friendsofyouth.org
Phone: 425-761-0595 or 425-869-6490 (office)
Website: https://www.friendsofyouth.org
Lutheran Community Services Northwest
(Refugee and Immigrant Youth Served)
Email: fostercare@refugeesnw.org
Phone: 206-694-5780
Website: https://refugeechildren.net
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Tribal CPA)
Contact: Alana Begay
Email: Alana.Begay@muckleshoot.nsn.us
Phone: 253-833-8782
Website: http://www.muckleshoot.nsn.us/services/human-services/indian-child-welfare.aspx
Olive Crest (Kinship)
Contact: Galena Smith
Email: inquiry-northsound@olivecrest.org
Phone: 425-462-1612
Website: www.olivecrest.org
Synergy Foster Support Services
Contact: Duane Ott
Email: contact@synergyfss.org
Phone: 425-280-2093
Website: https://synergyfss.org
United Tribes of All Indians
Contact: Laura McCormick
Email: fostercare@unitedindians.org
Phone: 206-285-4425
Website: https://www.unitedindians.org/services/foster-care
YMCA of Greater Seattle (Kinship
Contact: Jessica Kessler
Email: fosterparenting@seattleymca.org
Phone: 206-507-5160 or 206-749-7540 (office)
Website: https://www.seattleymca.org/foster-parenting
Contact: Holland Wood
Email: hwood@youthnetnw.net
Phone: 360-420-2206 or 360-336-1610 (office)
Website: https://youthnetnw.net
Adoption-Only Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 4
Services include international and/or domestic private adoptions. These agencies do not have foster care licensing programs:
Holt Washington
(International Adoptions)
Email: oregonwashington@holtinternational.org
Phone: 206-575-4550 or 888-355-HOLT (office)
Website: www.holtinternational.org
Open Adoption and Family Services
Contact: Lori Maas
Email: lori@openadopt.org
Phone: 503-226-4870 or 206-782-0442 (office)
Website: https://www.openadopt.org
Open Arms Adoption
Contact: Sam Barnes
Email: Sam@openarmsadoptionagency.com
Phone: 206-492-4196
Website: https://openarmsadoptionagency.com
Your Adoptive Family
(Home study and post-placement services)
Contact: Jill Dziko
Email: jilldz@youradoptivefamily.com
Phone: 206-408-7219
Website: www.youradoptivefamily.com
Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 5
Amara (Kinship)
Contact: Emily Sigler
Email: FosterInfo@amarafamily.org
Phone: 206-260-1700
Website: https://amarafamily.org/programs-resources/foster-care-services/
Antioch Adoptions
Contact: Sheryl Bullard
Email: foreverfamily@antiochadoptions.org
Phone: 425-558-0921
Website: https://antiochadoptions.org/foster-to-adopt/what-we-do
Community & Family Services Foundation
Contact: Shelly Genuardi
Email: gera@cfsf.net
Phone: 360-895-7889
Website: https://cfsf.site
Community Youth Services
Contact: Joyce Erickson
Email: jerickson@communityyouthservices.org or fostercare@communityyouthservices.org
Phone: 360-943-0780 or 1-888-R-FOSTER
Website: https://communityyouthservices.org
JMC – Foster Families
Contact: Joshua Kent
Email: jkent@jmckids.com
Phone: 360-313-7658 or 360-915-7179 (office)
Website: https://www.jmckids.com
Lorene’s Place II
Contact: Jacqueline Tutt
Email: jacquiet@lplacekids.org
Phone: 253-230-0647
Contact: Zena Galindo
Email: LP2FC@gmail.com
Website: https://www.lplacekids.org
Olive Crest – South Sound (Kinship)
Contact: Anna Fields
Email: Anna-Fields@olivecrest.org
Phone: 253-572-7888
Website: www.olivecrest.org
Olive Crest – West Sound
Contact: Ashlynn McDonald
Email: Ashlynn-McDonald@olivecrest.org
Phone: 360-979-4289
Website: www.olivecrest.org
Puyallup Tribe Children’s Services (Tribal and Kinship CPA)
Contact: Kate Colbert or Kaylena Satiacum
Email: Kate.Colbert@PuyallupTribe-nsn.gov or Kay.Satiacum@PuyallupTribe-nsn.gov or
General Email: FosterParentInfo@PuyallupTribe-nsn.gov
Phone: 253-680-5532
Website: http://puyallup-tribe.com
United Indians of All Tribes (Tribal and Kinship CPA)
Contact: Laura McCormick
Email: fostercare@unitedindians.org
Phone: 206-285-4425
Website: www.unitedindians.org/services/foster-care
YMCA of Greater Seattle (Kinship)
Contact: Jessica Kessler
Email: fosterparenting@seattleymca.org
Phone: 206-507-5160 or 206-749-7540 (office)
Website: https://www.seattleymca.org/foster-parenting
Contact: Holland Wood
Email: hwood@youthnetnw.net
Phone: 360-420-2206 or 360-202-4447 (office)
Website: https://youthnetnw.net
Adoption-Only Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 5
Services include international and/or domestic private adoptions. These agencies do not have foster care licensing programs.
A Center for Adoption Services
Contact: Dru Groves
Email: dru@drugroves.org
Phone: 206-954-5253 or 206-780-1972 (office)
Website: http://www.drugroves.org
A Child’s Dream
Contact: Kristi Hoffman
Email: kristi@achildsdream.org
Phone: 360-598-6533
Website: https://www.achildsdream.org
Adoption Connections
Contact: Anne Moody
Email: moody.anne@gmail.com
Phone: 206-842-2810
Contact: Patricia Beasley
Email: frogrock85@aol.com
Phone: 206-909-7575
Agape Adoptions
Contact: Myriam Avery
Email: agape@agapeadoptions.org
Phone: 253-987-5804
Website: https://agapeadoptions.org
Faith International Adoptions
Email: faith@faithadopt.org
Phone: 253-383-1928
Website: https://faithadopt.org
Joy Adoption Services
Contact: Kelsey Melvin
Email: kelsey@joyadoption.org
Phone: 253-222-7733
Website: https://joyadoption.org
Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 6
Catholic Community Services
Contact: Leah Barkell
Email: leahb@ccsww.org
Phone: 253-502-2745
Website: https://ccsww.org/get-help/child-youth-family-services/foster-care
Community & Family Services Foundation
Contact: Shelly Genuardi
Email: gera@cfsf.net
Phone: 360-895-7889
Website: https://cfsf.site
Community Youth Services
Contact: Nathan Lachine
Email: nlachine@CommunityYouthServices.org
Phone: 360-701-7050 or 1-888-R-FOSTER
Website: https://communityyouthservices.org
JMC – Foster Families
Contact: Joshua Kent
Email: jkent@jmckids.com
Phone: (360) 210-1203 or 360-915-7179 (office)
Website: https://www.jmckids.com
Kid Sense LLC
Contact: Jean-Paul Janovitch
Email: interested@kidsensellc.com
Phone: 360-790-4114 or 360-427-3133 (office)
Website: http://www.kidsensellc.org
Mullen-Polk Foundation
Contact: Linda Weems
Email: LindaWeems@mullen-polk-foundation.org
Phone: 360-695-1788
Website: https://www.mullen-polk-foundation.org/child-placement-agency
Olive Crest – South Sound (Kinship)
Contact: Anna Fields
Email: Anna-Fields@olivecrest.org
Phone: 253-572-7888
Website: www.olivecrest.org
Olive Crest – West Sound (West Region)
Contact: Ashlynn McDonald
Email: Ashlynn-McDonald@olivecrest.org
Phone: 360-979-4289
Website: www.olivecrest.org
Service Alternatives
Contact: Crista Hendrickson
Email: crista.hendrickson@servicealternatives.com
Phone: 360-553-2411 or 360-678-6071 (office)
Website: https://www.servicealternatives.com/foster
Quinault Indian Nation (Tribal and Kinship CPA)
Contact: Veronica John
Email: vjohn@quinault.org
Phone: 360-276-8215
Website: http://quinaultindiannation.com/socialservice2.htm
Contact: Holland Wood
Email: hwood@youthnetnw.net
Phone: 360-420-2206
Website: https://youthnetnw.net
Adoption-Only Child Placing Agencies Serving Region 6
Services include international and/or domestic private adoptions. These agencies do not have foster care licensing programs.
All God’s Children
Contact: Jodi Miyama
Email: jmiyama@allgodschildren.org
Phone: 503-327-7403 or 503-282-6719 (office)
Website: https://allgodschildren.org
Boys & Girls Aid
Contact: Dara Michelini
Email: dmichelini@boysandgirlsaid.org
Phone: 503-542-2333 or 503-222-9661 (office)
Website: www.supportiveadoption.org
Infant Adoption website: www.boysandgirlsaid.org
Choice Adoptions
Contact: Julie Webb
Email: julie@choiceadoptions.org
Phone: 503-232-1211
Website: https://www.choiceadoptions.org