Passion to Action (P2A) is a statewide youth led advisory board to Washington State’s DCYF. Learn more and get involved in Passion to Action.
Foster Club is a national network for young people in foster care. Members of FosterClub are resilient young people determined to build a better future for themselves and for other kids coming up through the system behind them.
The Mockingbird Youth Network Mockingbird’s Youth Programs work in partnership with young people, ages 13 - 25, who have experienced foster care or homelessness. We believe young people with lived experience in the systems we seek to transform are in the best position to know what needs to change. Through their leadership, Mockingbird advocates change the policies, perceptions, and practices that stand in the way of every young person having a safe and stable home. Our solutions focus on improving our state systems of care - systems that serve thousands of Washington’s children, youth and families every year. With a dual-focus approach of youth development and systems reform, Mockingbird participants develop leadership and self-advocacy skills while effecting positive change for the generations of young people that will come after them.