School-age care plays a crucial role in providing children with access to supportive adults and enriching environments before/after school, during school breaks, and over the summer. By licensing school-age programs to meet essential health and safety standards, DCYF ensures that children have safe spaces to engage in meaningful learning experiences.
Roles and Requirements
Use this document, General Staff Qualifications for School-Age Providers, as a quick summary of staff qualifications for school-age care providers. It includes a printer-friendly qualifications chart. For complete staff qualification requirements, refer to WAC 110-301-0100.
Program Director
- Background Check
- Tuberculosis (TB) Test
- Licensing Orientation (if applicable)
- Minimum Age: 18
- Hiring Education Requirement:
- 12 college credits
- School Age Basics
- First Aid/CPR
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Food Handlers (if applicable)
- Electronic Attendance Training (if applicable)
- 10-Hour Annual In-Service Training
- Full Education: 45 college credits
- Time Allowed from Date of Hire or Promotion: 5 years
Site Director
- Background Check
- TB Test
- Minimum Age: 18
- Hiring Education Requirement: 12 college credits
- School Age Basics
- First Aid/CPR
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Food Handlers (if applicable)
- 10-Hour Annual In-Service Training
- Full Education: 30 college credits
- Time Allowed from Date of Hire or Promotion: 5 years
Lead Teacher
- Background Check
- TB Test
- Minimum Age: 18
- Hiring Education Requirement: High School Diploma or equivalent
- School Age Basics
- First Aid/CPR
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Food Handlers (if applicable)
- 10-Hour Annual In-Service Training
- Full Education: 12 college credits
- Time Allowed from Date of Hire or Promotion: 5 years
Assistant Teacher
- Background Check
- TB Test
- Minimum Age: 18
- Hiring Education Requirement: High School Diploma or equivalent
- School Age Basics
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Food Handlers (if applicable)
- 10-Hour Annual In-Service Training
- Full Education: N/A
- Time Allowed from Date of Hire or Promotion: N/A
- Background Check
- TB Test
- Minimum Age: 14
- Hiring Education Requirement: High School Diploma or Enrolled
- School Age Basics
- First Aid/CPR
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Food Handlers (if applicable)
- 10-Hour Annual In-Service Training
- Full Education: N/A
- Time Allowed from Date of Hire or Promotion: N/A
- Background Check
- TB Test
- Minimum Age: 14
- Hiring Education Requirement: N/A
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Federal Health and Safety Trainings
- Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
- Emergency Preparedness
- Serving Children Experiencing Homelessness
- Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome (if applicable)
- Full Education: N/A
- Time Allowed from Date of Hire or Promotion: N/A
School-age care providers have five years from their date of hire or promotion to meet their full education staff qualifications requirements.
Meeting Staff Qualifications
Learn about how you can meet each requirement and their timelines.
These are requirements that must be met before a provider receives a license or works with children (WAC 110-301-0105). Pre-service requirements include:
- Licensing Orientation*
- Background Check
- TB Test
* If applicable for the role.
These are requirements that a person must have upon hire (WAC 110-301-0100). They include:
- The minimum age to work with children in a school-age care setting.
- The education level needed before being hired, which varies depending on the role.
Licensing standards require school-age care providers to complete specific trainings before they can provide care and throughout their career.
Depending on your job role, some school-age care providers are required to complete a specific number of college credits to qualify for their position. Learn about your education and equivalents option.