6109 RFQQ Procurement
We are re-issuing the SB6109 Procurement. Based on the 6109 Statute Requirements, DCYF is re-issuing the SB6109 Procurement as an RFQQ abiding by the competitive procurement rules of DES. The DCYF contracts office is overseeing the much-abbreviated timeline, but using all of the same qualification expectations that were in this Fall's application. There will be a pre-bidder's webinar on Monday Jan. 6 at 3 p.m. (link below). The procurement is posted in WEBS. It is important that all applicants register in WEBS. If you are already registered, you may download the bid.
This procurement is open to all HVSA funded programs; LIAs who applied this fall are encouraged to apply and must re-apply within this new solicitation. Additional HVSA-funded programs may also apply.
Project Title: SB6109 Home Visiting Services to High Priority LocalesPreBidders Webinar: A virtual pre-bid conference is scheduled to be held on Jan. 6, 2025, at 3 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, Washington. Bidder should participate; however, participation is not mandatory.
Microsoft Zoom link: https://dcyf.zoom.us/j/89695590230?pwd=CbJ2ivzp3IIdOrJ2SRdzSH5IkyBlLr.1
Meeting ID: 896 9559 0230 Passcode 724644
Questions arising at the pre-bid conference or in subsequent communication with the Solicitation Coordinator will be documented and answered in written form. A copy of the questions and answers will be posted in WEBS.
- Bidders may send written questions concerning this Solicitation to Kris Gorgas, Solicitation Coordinator ( email dcyf.contracts@dcyf.wa.gov) by January 7, 2025. Questions should be sent via email and should include the number and title of this Solicitation in the subject line.
- DCYF will document all questions received in writing by posting an Amendment to the Solicitation on WEBS.