Data Dashboard

Purpose, Roles, and Funding

The Juvenile Justice Data Dashboard Initiative is a collaborative partnership between the Partnership Council on Juvenile Justice (PCJJ), the Washington State Center for Court Research (WSCCR) and the Office of Juvenile Justice (OJJ).  The PCJJ provides funding for the project to WSCCR through allocation of Title II Federal Funds, WSCCR analyzes the data and designs the dashboards incorporating feedback from OJJ, the PCJJ, and key system and community partners, and OJJ provides project management support.

The WA Juvenile Justice Data Dashboard Project will help with the comparing of key juvenile justice system decision point data to understand where disparities increase and decrease. Dashboards will be consistently updated each year with the newly available calendar year data, and a total of five years of data will be maintained on each dashboard at one time to provide data trends. If you have any questions about the dashboards or would like to request a presentation to your organization or staff on how to use the dashboards, please reach out to Jenny Young at

Law Enforcement Data Dashboard

The Law Enforcement Data Dashboard is useful as a tool for governmental and non-governmental agencies as well as local law enforcement agencies to analyze trends of youth arrests and identify specific areas where changes in policy and practice are necessary and possible. Prior to this effort, there was no single, accessible source to examine disparities in Washington State juvenile arrest data.

Court Contacts Data Dashboard

The Court Contacts Data Dashboard is our second completed dashboard. It contains rates for referrals, cases, and adjudications within local juvenile courts across the state by county, race, gender, age and offense. This dashboard is the first in the state to compile these data points for public access and we hope will support local and state entities to have more of a complete picture of the number of young people moving through the juvenile court process.