Disproportionality & Disparity in Child Welfare Dashboard

DCYF Data Source: DCYF. (November 2024). FamLink [January 2016-December 2022]. 

Population Data Source: Census Bureau. (2014-2024). American community survey public use microdata samples (ACS PUMS) 1-year estimates [2014-2023]. https://data.census.gov.


  1. WSRDAC/M Reporting Standard: Yes; All charts display race/ethnicity using the WSRDAC/M standard. American Indian/Alaska Native is combined with American Indian/Alaska Native, Multiracial.  Black/African American is combined with Black/African American, Multiracial. Asian/Pacific Islander is combined with Asian/Pacific Islander, Multiracial. Unknown race/ethnicity has been excluded from the denominator and is not reported. For detailed information on the WSRDAC/M standard for reporting race/ethnicity, see Using Data in DCYF to Advance Racial Equity.
  2. Disproportionality ratio numerators are proportion of each racial/ethnic group in calendar year entry cohort for each measure: all intakes (screened out or screened in), screened-in intakes, and placement within 12 months of intake. Placement numerator includes intakes occurring up to five days prior to intake, to account for emergency removals that occur before intake.  
  3. Overall population denominator for disproportionality ratios is proportion of each racial/ethnic group in Washington State population of children under 18. Income-constrained population denominator for disproportionality ratios is proportion of each racial/ethnic group in Washington State population of children under 18 living in households making 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or less.
  4. Numerator for Placements within 12 Months is proportion of placements within 12 months of intake, for each racial/ethnic group in calendar year entry cohort. Placements occurring up to 5 days prior to intake are included, to account for emergency removals that occur before intake. Denominator is proportion of intakes for each racial/ethnic group in calendar year. Placements outside of DCYF's Placement Care Authority (PCA) are excluded. 
  5. Numerator for Out-of-Home Care Lasting Longer than 2 Years is proportion of placements within 12 months of intake that lasted longer than 2 years, for each racial/ethnic group in calendar year entry cohort. Placements occurring up to five days prior to intake are included, to account for emergency removals that occur before intake. Denominator is proportion of placements within 12 months of intake for each racial/ethnic group in calendar year entry cohort, excluding those that lasted fewer than 8 days. Placements outside of DCYF's Placement Care Authority (PCA) are excluded. Length of stay may include Temporary Return Home (TRH) periods.


Anderson, C., Grewal-Kök, Y., Cusick, G., Weiner, D., & Thomas, K. (2023). Family and child well-being system: Economic and concrete supports as a core component. [Power Point slides]. Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.

Suggested Citation: Erickson, G., Graham, J. C., & Villwock, M. (2024). Disproportionality & Disparity in Child Welfare Report, 2014-2023. Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Office of Innovation, Alignment, and Accountability. Olympia, WA.

Questions? For questions about the dashboard or underlying data, email oiaa@dcyf.wa.gov