The Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) is implementing a new Rule Violations and Hearing Process at Echo Glen Children’s Center and Green Hill School as part of a new Behavior Management System.
By providing a structure for staff to address violations, young people will receive clear and impartial consequences that are related, logical, developmentally appropriate, and restorative throughout juvenile rehabilitation facilities.
The Rule Violations and Hearing Process is a three-tiered approach that outlines what consequences young people will receive based on the level of violation. This modernized approach will provide fair, transparent, and consistent guidance to both staff and young people about the consequences of serious violations.
Consequences are based on an intervention matrix that staff are trained to use when addressing behaviors and establishing when a review process is appropriate. Staff will now be able to immediately respond to behavior while prioritizing restorative and procedural justice principles.
“This process aims to align our practices with current understanding of adolescent brain development and incorporate restorative justice principles where appropriate,” said Assistant Secretary of Juvenile Rehabilitation Felice Upton. “Our goal is to ensure our approach is fair, efficient, and reflects best practices in rehabilitation.”