Applies to: This policy applies to Licensing Division (LD) workers.
Chapter Number & Title: 3.20 Foster Care
Policy Number & Title: 3.20.01 Applying as a Foster Parent or Unlicensed Caregiver
Effective Date: October 15, 2024
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on how the LD will assess competence and suitability of potential caregivers for children in out-of-home care when applications for foster home licenses or kinship care home study are received.
42 USC § 671 State plan for foster care and adoption assistance
RCW 49.60.030 Freedom from discrimination, declaration of civil rights
RCW 74.13.250 Preservice training, foster parents
RCW 74.13.332 Rights of foster parents
Chapter 74.15 RCW Care of children, expectant mothers, persons with developmental disabilities
Chapter 110-148 WAC Licensing Requirements for Child Foster Homes
LD workers:
- Must complete the following when they receive applications for foster home licenses or kinship home studies:
- Inform relatives and suitable persons at the time of initial contact that they may either:
- Remain unlicensed.
- Apply to receive either a:
- Kinship license.
- Foster home license.
- Assess competence and suitability of potential caregivers to care for children or youth in out-of-home care prior to issuing a foster home or kinship licenses and kinship home studies.
- Verify:
- The licensing applicants:
- Submitted a completed application.
- Have an approved home study.
- Meet the requirements in chapter 110-148 WAC.
- Caregivers receiving foster care maintenance payments are licensed.
- Provider and case files are restricted, per DCYF Administrative policies:
- 11.25 Child Care Licensing or Approval, Program Payments and Enrollment, Foster Care Licensing, Placement, and Adoption for DCYF Employees for DCYF employees.
- 13.06 Records Management and Retention
- The licensing applicants:
- Inform relatives and suitable persons at the time of initial contact that they may either:
- May not deny individuals from becoming foster or adoptive parents based on the criteria in RCW 49.60.030.
Child Welfare Caregiver Support Level and Foster Care Rate Assessment Determination policy
DCYF Administrative 11.25 Child Care Licensing or Approval, Program Payments and Enrollment, Foster Care Licensing, Placement, and Adoption for DCYF Employees policy
DCYF Administrative 13.06 Records Management & Retention policy
Original Date: September 27, 1995
Revised Date: October 15, 2024
Review Date: October 31, 2028
Approved by: Ruben Reeves, Assistant Secretary of Licensing Division