Lori Blake

Lori Blake
Regional Administrator for Region 1

Lori Blake started her career in child welfare as a BSW intern and then obtained her Master of Social Work through CWTAP at Eastern Washington University. In 2005, while working on her MSW she was hired to work afterhours and then a short time later hired to work full time in a CPS unit. Over the last 20 years she has held positions in CPS, CFWS, CPS Supervisor, Quality Practice Specialist, QA/CQI Area Administrator before becoming Regional Administrator for Region 1. Lori has been in Region One for her entire career and enjoys working with the amazing staff who inspire her daily with their dedication.

Lori is passionate about relative placement, quality engagement with families, caregivers, and community partners and staff retention. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her husband/best friend of 30 years. Together they love travelling, reading, binge watching good shows and going for bike rides. She also loves spending time with her nieces who are 7 & 9. When working from home she is supervised by her cats Earl Grey and Java.