JR Population Updates


Over the last year, DCYF experienced an unpredictable influx of young people entering JR that outnumbered releases each week, causing a rise in population. As more young people are getting sentenced and for longer periods, capacity is filling up at secure facilities faster than expected. 

A larger population living in the same footprint disrupts access to programs and services, including education, therapy, and recreation as staff must halt programming to respond to safety incidents. Overcrowding results in an increase in fights, assaults on staff, and number of instances the facility undergoes a lockdown, making it challenging to move individuals around safely. 

DCYF will share weekly reviews about the status of intakes and incidents, progress on creating additional capacity or resuming services, and other essential updates. Our paramount duty is to ensure the safety of every young person in JR custody and the safety of the staff at all JR facilities. 

 Weekly Data Trends 


What is the current population at Green Hill School? What is the safe operational Capacity at the Green Hill Campus?

Studies and best practices indicate the safe operational capacity at Green Hill is 180. Green Hill is currently operating above capacity by at least 30%. 

What action is DCYF taking to address overcrowding?

DCYF has been addressing concerns over the rising JR population by using community facilities and Community Transition Services; both options involve transferring eligible young people to a minimum-security option. CTS is currently in its initial phase and does not have large capacity.

DCYF is also working with legislators and counties to collect data that helps us plan for and accurately forecast how many juveniles are coming into the JR system, add additional facilities with smaller, therapeutic settings so young people can engage in rehabilitation, and build a workforce that is supported and well compensated.

Why not move some young people from Green Hill to Echo Glen? 

Echo Glen is designed for young men under the age of 17 and the female population. It is not designed or equipped to safely serve an older male population.

What is the process of family members or residents submitting complaints? 

Families can contact DCYF’s Constituent Relations or Office of the Family and Children’s Ombuds

Past Communications 

New Facility 

Recent Press Releases
